Brent Marks 10 The Big Spill by Kenneth Eade

Brent Marks 10 The Big Spill by Kenneth Eade

Author:Kenneth Eade [Eade, Kenneth]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Amazon: B01IL9DI96
Publisher: Times Square Publishing
Published: 2016-10-15T04:00:00+00:00


There was only one event that Brent had not cancelled due to the kidnapping crisis. All of the most uncomfortable chairs that Brent owned were lined up in the conference room for the deposition of Benjamin Caleb. The videotape operator had set up his camera, pointed right at the hot seat where Caleb would be sitting, and the room was wired for sound. The court reporter had set up her computer and steno machine. Everything was ready for the inquisition.

Signet’s attorney, Jerome Salinger, from Salinger & Silverstein, a respected downtown Los Angeles litigation firm, arrived first, in a navy blue three-piece Italian suit with a custom cut comb-over that probably put him back as much as his Versace tie. When he entered the reception area of Brent’s State Street office, he bore the expression of someone who had been forced to eat a cockroach. He was apparently repulsed by the premises which were obviously less comfortable than his extravagant offices downtown, with the gold leaf stationery and personalized coffee mugs. Melinda directed him to the conference room, where he negotiated his way into a chair, which he sat on tentatively as if he was perched on a toilet seat in a public bathroom, afraid to catch a disease from it.

Stephen Mitnick, a local attorney, with a 70s haircut, moustache and a generally friendly disposition, was the union’s attorney and he showed up with Caleb, the deponent, who looked like a man who was having a rectal examination performed. He was obviously not a happy camper. Brent invited them in and the reporter administered the oath to Mr. Caleb.

“Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give in this matter will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

“I do.”

Brent always thought the oath to be ironic. If they lied on this first question, then everything that followed would naturally be a lie. It was a system flawed.

Brent sat directly across from Caleb so he could glare at him during questioning. Because there is no judge present during these proceedings, subtle forms of intimidation are often used. In Caleb, Brent knew he had a witness on the edge, one who could be encouraged to blurt out something that may not be in his best interests. Politely, but sternly, Brent began the interrogation.

“Mr. Caleb, please state your name for the record.”

“Benjamin Caleb.”

“Have you ever had your deposition taken before?”


“But you’ve discussed the process with your attorney, haven’t you?”


“I’m sure you’ve had a chance to discuss this with your lawyer, but I’m going to go over a set of ground rules that will apply to these proceedings, so the court reporter can get an accurate record of what goes on today.”

Brent went over a laundry list of boring rules, making sure that he paused between them to get Caleb to answer that he understood, then asked some questions about his education and background, the answers to which were


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